...a COLD day in the park...
i have set this up as a picture journal. i will continue to post photos as i take them, and your comments are greatly appreciated (lets me know you're actually checking in). for examples of real blogs...visit the armstrong family circus or THE KELLER FAMILY BLOG!. thank you - markie farkie
i have set this up as a picture journal. i will continue to post photos as i take them, and your comments are greatly appreciated (lets me know you're actually checking in). for examples of real blogs...visit the armstrong family circus or THE KELLER FAMILY BLOG!. thank you - markie farkie
Yay! FINALLY--a month later--you got some new pics of your Mini-U...He looks soo much "older" than in the pics from a month ago--As always, such a cutie!! --B
He does look older. That's no fair. He can't get older when I'm not around. GM
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